Hello, I am

Aishwarya Mokashi

Software Developer
Passionate developer intent on developing innovative solutions for the mutual growth and progress, having a keen and incremental approach towards learning.


Persistent Systems Pvt Ltd.

Aug-2022 to Present

Software Engineer
  • Training in software testing using Selenium in Java and Maven.
  • Developed projects in Java.
  • Trained in API testing using Postman.
  • Worked on Software AG platform.
  • Skilled in using Functionize integrated with Jira.
EvolvingX Pvt Ltd.

Jan-2022 to Jun-2022

Software Developer Intern
  • Future and Design thinking implemented.
  • Practiced development using Unreal Engine.
  • Used Adobe XD to create AR assets.
Inception Wave Pvt Ltd.

Apr-2021 to May-2021

Graphic Designing Intern
  • Worked as a part of the operations team to develop a product called Grapido.
  • Grapido is a social forum for like minded people to come together.
  • Contributed through creative graphic designing.


Hunger Station
Hunger Station
  • An online app where user can order food online.
  • It was built using Android Studio.
  • An automatic seed sowing and hurdle detecting robot.
  • It was built using Arduino and various sensors.
Material classification
Material classification
  • This project is developed using CNN techniques and SVM algorithms.
  • It's core functionality is to identify various materials present in the environment.
Leaf disease identification
Leaf disease identification
  • Image processing is the key factor in developing this project.
  • Deep CNN algorithm is used and it can identify and enlist various leaf diseases and presents cures available for the same


Bachelor of Engineering

2019 - 2022

Institute: Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering for Women

University: Savitribai Phule Pune University

Pune, India

CGPA: 9.24

Diploma in Computer Technology

2016 - 2019

Institute: Bharati Vidyapeeth's Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Technology

University: MSBTE

Pune, India

Percentage: 79%

Senior Secondary

2013 - 2014

Institute: Sinhagad Spring Dale School

University: SSC

Pune, India

Percentage: 84


Capstone Retrieving Processing And Visualizing
Using Python To Access Web Data
Teamwork Skills Communicating Effectively In Groups